Constitution of India Quiz 4 19:44 Posted by Scholastic World No Comments Constitution of India Quiz 4 1. What is the minimum permissible age for employment in any factory or mine or any other hazardous environment as per the constitution of India? 14 years 15 years 17 years 18 Years 2. Where was the first session of the Constituent Assembly held? Bombay Calcutta Ahmedabad New Delhi 3. The President of India can declare three kinds of emergencies. Which one of the following is NOT one among them? War Emergency Financial emergency State emergency National emergency 4. On the basis of financial crisis how many times has emergency been declared by the President of India? Once Twice Thrice Never 5. Which one of the following is not technically a constitutional office and seldom carries any specific powers? The Deputy Prime Minister Prime Minister Speaker Vice President 6. Who among the following is NOT involved in the appointment of the judges in a high court of a state? The President The Governor The Chief Minister Chief Justice of India 7. Who appoints the Chief Election Commissioner of India? The President The Prime Minister Parliament Chief Justice of India 8. What is the maximum age for members of the Union Public Service Commission to hold office? 65 60 58 55 9. Indian nationality law largely follows the "jus sanguinis". What does it mean? citizenship by right of birth within the territory citizenship by right of blood citizenship by residence in the country Citizenship by naturalisation 10. When the Vice-President acts as President what happens to his emoluments? Remains the same Gets an extra allowance A little less than the President Equal to that of the President Share this Scholastic World
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