Friday, 25 August 2017

Environment Quiz 51

Environment Quiz 51 1. Where is the world’s largest fuel cell park, Gyeonggi Green Energy Fuel cell park, located? Japan China United States of America South Korea 2. Name the Nobel Prize winner who conceived the idea of World Food Prize Martti Ahtisaari Elie Wiesel Norman...

Thursday, 24 August 2017

Tuesday, 22 August 2017

Science Quiz 27

Science Quiz 27 1. One of the Presidents of United States was also an inventor who invented many small practical devices including a revolving book-stand, a swivel chair and a wheel cypher. Who is he? Abraham Lincoln George Washington Thomas Jefferson John Adams 2. Micturition is the medical term for Malnutrition Urination Microbial infection Indigestion 3. Do you know...

Environment Quiz 49

Environment Quiz 49 The latest set of questions for Green Olympiad, Wild Wisdom Quiz and similar environmental quiz contests 1. The One-horned Rhinocerous, the Asiatic Elephant and the Bengal Tiger are three WWF priority species. On which banknote, do all three appear? 10 50 100 1000 2. Global Tiger Day, often called International Tiger Day is celebrated on May 29 July...

Monday, 21 August 2017

Quiz on Indian Traditional Medicine Part 6

Quiz on Indian Traditional Medicine Part 6 1. As per the Unani Tabb, the human body is considered to be made up of how many components? Five Four Seven Six 2. Unani medicine proposed three kinds of Quwa (Faculties) in the human body. Which one of the following is the power of metabolism and reproduction? Quwa Tabiyah (Natural power) Quwa Nafsaniyah (Psychic power) Quwa...

Sunday, 20 August 2017

Quiz on Indian Traditional Medicine Part 5

Quiz on Indian Traditional Medicine Part 5 1. The use of plant-derived medications in the treatment and prevention of disease is called Ayurveda Aromatheraphy Phytotherapy Bibilotherapy 2. This plant is native to Central Asia and has been used both as a food flavoring and as a traditional medicine and is known to cause bad breath (halitosis) and body odor. Shallots Leek Onion Garlic 3....

Thursday, 10 August 2017

Wednesday, 9 August 2017

Saturday, 5 August 2017

Environment Quiz 48: Wildlife Quiz

Environment Quiz 48: Wildlife Quiz 1. Freshwater fish are those that spend some or all of their lives in fresh water, such as rivers and lakes, with a salinity of less than 0.05%. Which one of the following is NOT a freshwater fish? Catla Tilapia Hilsa Mackeral 2. This...

Thursday, 3 August 2017

Indian Traditional Medicine Quiz 2

Indian Traditional Medicine Quiz 2 Another set of questions on the traditional medicines of India. 1. Which one of the following is a popular herbal medicine used for treating insomnia? Valerian Green tea Aloe vera Tulsi 2. Name the Indian digital knowledge repository...


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