Wednesday, 28 March 2018

India Quiz 80

India Quiz 80 1. Which Indian city was originally known as Prayag or "place of offerings"? Ahmedabad Allahabad Pachmarhi Guwahati 2. Which is the only state in India which has a uniform civil code? Kerala Jammu and Kashmir Assam Goa 3. Who is the first sportsperson to...

Sunday, 25 March 2018

India Quiz 79

India Quiz 79 1. In which event did Jaspal Rana won Gold at the 1994 Asian Games for India? Athletics Boxing Shooting Weight Lifting 2. Name the Indian mathematician who wrote Siddhantha Siromani Aryabhata Brahmagupta Bhaskara II Varahamihira 3. Name the South Indian city...

Friday, 23 March 2018

Tuesday, 20 March 2018

Sports Quiz 17 - Indian Sports

Sports Quiz 17 1. Who was the first Indian woman to win an individual medal at the Olympic Games? Saina Nehwal P T Usha Karnam Malleswari Mary Kom 2. Name the first Indian and the first Asian to win the Wimbledon junior Singles title Yuki Bhabri Leander Paes Ramesh Krishnan Ramanathan...

Sunday, 18 March 2018

Science Quiz 43

Science Quiz 43 1. Camellia sinensis is the scientific name of Tulsi Tea Neem Coffee 2. Caliology is the study of Bird nests Caves Cats Trees 3. The inability to feel pain is called Analgesia Dyslexia Alexia Asphyxia 4. What is referred to as brown coal? Lignite Boxite Magnetite Petroleum 5....

Saturday, 17 March 2018

Friday, 16 March 2018

Science Quiz 42: Animals in Space

We all know Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin who became the first human being to travel into space aboard the spacecraft Vostok 1. That was on April 12, 1961. Before that, several animals had already visited the space. The animals were send to space to test the...

Thursday, 15 March 2018

Sports Quiz 16

Sports Quiz 16 1. Name the country to win the first football World Cup in 1930 Brazil Argentina Uruguay Germany 2. Name the venue of the 2020 Summer Olympics London Tokyo Beijing New York 3. To which one of the following will you associate Jackie Joyner-Kersee? Horse...

Wednesday, 14 March 2018

Stephen Hawking Quiz 2

Quiz on Life and works of Stephen Hawking Paying tribute to the great scientist, we present you a quiz on Stephen Hawking to familiarise you with his life and works. Here is the second part of the Stephen Hawking Quiz. 1. Who is the author of "Black Hole War: My Battle with...

Stephen Hawking Quiz 1

Quiz on Life and works of Stephen Hawking World renowned physicist Stephen Hawking, famous for his work on black holes, has died today at the age of 76. Paying tribute to the great scientist, we present you a quiz on Stephen Hawking to familiarise you with his life and works. Hope...


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