Literature Quiz 19: William Shakespeare Quiz 3

Here is another 10 multiple choice questions on William Shakespeare to learn more about the famous playwright and his works. Hope you enjoy it.
?Love's Labor's Lost
All's Well That Ends Well
Much Ado About Nothing
2. Which Shakespearean play has the distinction of being the one to be first filmed?
Romeo and JulietKing John
3. In which play you can find Rosalind, the female character with the most lines in all of Shakespeare’s plays?
Antony and CleopatraThe Two Gentlemen of Verona
All's Well That Ends Well
As you Like It
4. Akira Kurosawa's Throne of Blood was an adaptation of a Shakespeare play. Name the play
Julius Caesar
5. Which planet in the Solar System has several moons named after Shakespearean characters?
6. Iago is the main antagonist of which Shakespearean play?
Julius Caesar
7. Ophelia and Gertrude are the only female characters in this play. Name the play
Julius CaesarMuch Ado About Nothing
8. "I kissed thee ere I killed thee. No way but this,. Killing myself, to die upon a kiss". Which play ends with these lines?
Romeo and Juliet
9. "Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears", thus begins the famous speech from this Shakespearean play. Name the play
Julius CaesarKing John
Antony and Cleopatra
10. The Bollywood movie Omkaara, directed by Vishal Bhardwaj, was adapted from which one of the following plays of Shakespeare?
The Merchant of Venice
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