Showing posts with label wild wisdom quiz. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wild wisdom quiz. Show all posts

Wednesday, 27 December 2023

Environment and Wildlife Quiz 99

Environment and Wildlife Quiz 99 Image courtesy 1. Snow leopards is a crepuscular animal. What does it mean?active primarily during the dayactive primarily during the twilight periodactive primarily during the nightactive primarily during...

Friday, 15 May 2020

Quiz on Birds 8 Environment and Wildlife Quiz 106

Quiz on Birds 8 - Environment and Wildlife Quiz 106 1. Do you know what is the status of Indian peafowl, India's national bird, in the IUCN Red List? Near threatened Vulnerable Least concern Endangere...

Wednesday, 13 May 2020

Quiz on Birds 7 - Environment and Wildlife Quiz 104

Quiz on Birds 7 - Environment and Wildlife Quiz 104 1. Chintamoni Kar Bird Sanctuary, named in honour of the renowned sculptor Chintamoni Kar, is located in New Delhi Kolkatta Guwahati Luckno...

Tuesday, 12 May 2020

Quiz on Birds 6 - Environment and Wildlife Quiz 103

Quiz on Birds 6 - Environment and Wildlife Quiz 103 1. Birds travel to another part of the world for warmer weather at a particular time of the year. What is the term used for this behaviour? Migration Homing Moult Warbl...

Monday, 11 May 2020

Quiz on Birds 5 - Environment and Wildlife Quiz 102

Quiz on Birds 5 - Environment and Wildlife Quiz 102 1. Being one of the 21 breeding sites existing in India, this village in Karanataka is named after the painted stork in Kannada language. It is known for the long established bonding between the spot-billed pelicans and...

Sunday, 10 May 2020

Quiz on Birds 4- Environment and Wildlife Quiz 101

Quiz on Birds 4- Environment and Wildlife Quiz 101 1. Arippa Bird Sanctuary is known for the presence of rare species of birds. Where is it located? Thrissur Kollam Ernakulam Thiruvananthapura...

Saturday, 9 May 2020

Quiz on Birds 3 - Environment and Wildlife Quiz 100

Quiz on Birds 3 - Environment and Wildlife Quiz 100 1. An international team of ornithologists declared an Indian state as the “Falcon capital of the world' in 2013. Name the state Arunachal Pradesh Rajasthan Nagaland Mizora...

Friday, 8 May 2020

Quiz on Birds 2 - Environment and Wildlife Quiz 99

Quiz on Birds 2 - Environment and Wildlife Quiz 99 1. "Halcyon" is a name for a bird in Greek legend. The Halcyon is a genus of which one of the following birds? Eagle House sparrow Kingfisher Peacoc...

Thursday, 7 May 2020

Picture Quiz: Indian Birds Quiz

Birds of India Quiz Get to know some of the beautiful birds of India. 1. This amazing medium-size bird is found all over India. The males have long and beautiful tail. Can you identify this bird? Great Indian Bustard Pheasant jacana Indian paradise flycatcher Greater...

Quiz on Birds - Environment and Wildlife Quiz 98

Quiz on Birds - Environment and Wildlife Quiz 98 You can find birds everywhere. They live in almost every habitat. Birds are very important to our ecosystem and we all love watching them. We present you a series of quizzes on Birds for you to check your "Bird Quotient" and...

Thursday, 20 June 2019

Tuesday, 18 June 2019

Wild Wisdom Quiz Sample Questions 4

Wild Wisdom Quiz Sample Questions 4 1. The largest bird on earth also lays the largest egg. Name the bird Kiwi Ostrich Emu Peacock 2. Where can you find the Pygmy hog in India? Gujarat Meghalaya Assam Arunachal Pradesh 3. A flower which opens or blooms in the evening is called Crepuscular Matutinal Vespertine Nocturnal 4. Which of these is NOT a species of Giraffe? Reticulated Masai Rothschild's Australian 5....

Sunday, 16 June 2019

Saturday, 15 June 2019

Friday, 14 June 2019

Wednesday, 12 June 2019

Thursday, 28 March 2019

Tuesday, 11 September 2018

Environment Quiz 75: Wildlife Quiz

Environment Quiz 75: Wildlife Quiz 1. Which bird builds the largest tree nests ever recorded for any animal species? Bald eagle Humming bird Sociable weaver Horned Coot 2. Which bird's nest is used to make Chinese delicacy bird's nest soup? Bulbul Sparrow Humming bird Swiftlet 3....

Sunday, 9 September 2018

Environment Quiz 74: Wildlife Quiz

Environment Quiz 74: Wildlife Quiz This quiz will be useful for preparing for wild wisdom quiz, Green Olympiad, environment quiz, wildlife quiz and other related competitions 1. Which one of the following National parks was known for the migratory Siberian cranes? Dudhwa...

Friday, 31 August 2018

Environment Quiz 72: Wildlife Quiz

Environment Quiz 72: Wildlife Quiz 1. Rhea, a bird distantly related to ostrich and emu, are found in which region? Africa South America North America Asia 2. What is the world's smallest flowering plant? Angel’s Trumpet Rafflesia arnoldii Wolffia globosa Flame Lily 3....


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