Saturday, 4 February 2017

General Knowledge Quiz 5 - Great Personalities Quiz

General Knowledge Quiz 5 - Great Personalities Quiz

1. The Salvation Army is a Christian Protestant church and international charitable organisation structured in a quasi-military fashion. Do you know the founder and first General of Salvation Army?
William Booth
Bramwell Booth
Edward Higgins
George Carpenter

2. Idi Amin Dada was a violent dictator whose regime was responsible for some of the worst atrocities in his country's history. Notorious as one of modern Africa's hardest dictators, he was the president of which country?

3. He was an Indian polymath and a key figure of the Bengal Renaissance. He fought for widow re-marriage and higher education for women. Can you name this social reformer?
Dayanand Saraswathy
Rabindranath Tagore
Raja Ram Mohan Roy
Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar

4. Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov was a Russian communist revolutionary born to a wealthy middle class family and led the October Revolution in 1917. He was the head of government from 1917-1924. We better know him as

5. Do you know the Portuguese explorer who organised the first expedition to circumnavigate the earth in 1519?
Ferdinand Magellan
Juan Sebastian Elcano
Vasco da Gama
Pedro Alvares Cabral

6. Who is known as the "Father of White Revolution" in India?
M S Swaminathan
Verghese Kurien
Ashok Gadgil
Shiva Ayyadurai

7. Name the famous Indian author who was awarded Padma Bhushan in 1974 and returned it in 1984 in protest against Operation Blue Star in Amritsar. He later received Padma Vibhushan in 2007
Jayant Pandurang Naik
Khushwant Singh
Kirpal Singh Narang

8. Who is the only woman in the world to have climbed Mount Everest twice?
Bachendri Pal
Santosh Yadav
Arunima Sinha
Malavath Purna

9. Who is the youngest person to summit Mt. Everest?
Malavath Purna
Dicky Dolma
Jordan Romero
Ming Kipa

10. Which is the largest library in the world?
British Library
Library of Congress
Russian State Library
Library and Archives Canada

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