Sunday, 15 January 2023

KAMP NASTA Sample Paper for Grade V - Science Quiz 3

 KAMP NASTA Sample Paper for Grade V - Quiz Set 3Science Quiz 3 1. Aditya was watching a movie in his room. Suddenly he heard someone shouting “help please help” from his neighbour's house. If you were in Aditya’s place what you will do?Go to the neighbour's house...

KAMP NASTA Sample Paper for Class 5 - Science Quiz 1

 KAMP NASTA Sample Paper for Grade V - Quiz Set 1Science Quiz 1 1. Neena went to see a fort and saw a part of the wall coming out in a round shape. She asked her guide what is it called and why are they made in the fort wall?Digs; to ensure securityHoles; for astheticsBastions;...


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മലയാളം പ്രശ്നോത്തരി

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