Wednesday, 21 December 2016

Literary Quiz (Books Quiz) - 8

Literature Quiz 8

1. Which character from the Jungle Book was raised by wolves?

2. What is the name of the young hero in "Treasure Island"?
Jack Higgins
Jim Hawkins

3. In the series of children's "Noddy" books, what is the name of the policeman?
Mr. Plod
Mr. Todd
Mr. Big Ears
Mr. Sparks

4. What does the "J" stand for in author J. K. Rowling's name?

5. Name the author of Goosebumps, Fear Street who is called the "Stephen King of children's literature?
Hans Anderson
J.K Rowling
R.L Stine
Enid Blyton

6. This trilogy is about a quest to destroy the One Ring which has evil power. It takes place in Middle Earth, among many amazing creatures and people. Identify the book.
The Ring of Solomon
Young Samurai: The Ring Of Fire
Ring For Jeeves
The Lord of the Rings

7. Originally written in Portuguese by Paulo Coelho this has been translated into 67 languages, winning the Guinness World Record for most translated book by a living author.
The Alchemist
The Zahir
Eleven Minutes

8. The autobiography of this Magsasay Award winning Police Woman, titled “I Dare It's Always Possible' has been a source of inspiration to the youngsters. Who is she?
R. Sreelekha
Kiran Bedi
B Sandhya
G Thilakavathy

9. This is a novel about the events in the life of a young girl in her grandfather's care, in the Swiss Alps. It was written as a book "for children and those who love children". It had two sequels, but not written by the original author. Name the book.
The Diary of a Young Girl
Anna Karenina

10. The hero of our story was raised in the African jungles by the Mangani great apes and first appeared in 1914 followed by some 25 sequels. Who is he?
George of the Jungle
Kevin Sack

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